Welcoming Prayer: This week we’ll discuss Day/Week Seventeen of the Contemplative Outreach Welcoming Prayer praxis booklet. “Finally on my way to yes I bump into all the places where I said no to my life…”
This practice begins at 12:15pm PT.
Centering Prayer: Our Lectio Divina reading: Emergence by Joy Harjo. We always close with the alternative Lord’s Prayer from A New Zealand Prayer Book, pg. 181.
This practice begins at 12:45pm PT.
I look forward to seeing you on Thursday.
Contact Sylvia to receive the meeting link.

Join Joy Harjo in-person at the Haden Institute Summer Dream & Spirituality Conference May 28 – June 2, 2023. (Online participation also available.)
“The saxophone is so human. Its tendency is to be rowdy, edgy, talk too loud, bump into people, say the wrong words at the wrong time, but then, you take a breath all the way from the center of the earth and blow. All that heartache is forgiven. All that love we humans carry makes a sweet, deep sound and we fly a little.”
— Joy Harjo