Group Practices
Our online group practices have allowed us to find and build kinship through deep and loving encounter, offering support and encouragement to others while attending to our own personal development.
Centering and Welcoming Prayer meets online weekly, Thursdays – 12:15 to 1:30pm PT. In-person meetings are held at Faith Episcopal Church, Poulsbo, on Wednesdays 9:30am to 10:45am PT.
Group and One-to-One Dreamwork: Group Dreamwork meets the first Saturday of each month at 3pm to 4:30pm PT, One-to-One Dreamwork is individually scheduled.
The Labyrinth on Bainbridge Island, WA is open for visitors. Contact Sylvia for a facilitated experience.
Contemplative Creativity will begin meeting monthly soon.
Mindful Poetry will begin meeting monthly soon.