“This initiation into contemplation means that we need to be told, reminded of this dimension – that we have this capacity for contemplation. What is contemplation? ‘The simple enjoyment of the truth’, according to Thomas Aquinas. Contemplation is the healthy mind working in harmony with the heart, able to see what is there rather than to project our own internal illusions and obsessions upon the screen of reality but to actually see what is there. So, we need to be told that there is this possibility for the human person to live with this, be in touch with this interior dimension, and for this interiority to transform the way we live and relate to others. That is one aspect of the initiation into contemplation, to affirm and confirm the spiritual dimension of life, which has been suppressed or even ridiculed for some time by the culture and by our worship of science and technology.”
Laurence Freeman OSB, from Attention and Love 2
Born and raised in the Los Angeles, California area, I’m a longtime practitioner, organizer, and facilitator of contemplative group practices such as Centering and Welcoming Prayer, Dreamwork, Contemplative Creativity, and Mindful Poetry, most recently for the Episcopal Diocese of Olympia, WA. Find resources from the ECWW programs here.
I’m a graduate of both the Dreamwork and Spiritual Direction programs at the Haden Institute, Education for Ministry (EfM,) the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius, and certified as a Catechist in levels 1-3 of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd children’s formation program. I’m a Veriditas-trained Labyrinth Facilitator and have mentored ten students through the Spiritual Direction program at Haden Institute. I also serve as a board member at Underhill House.
Organizing and facilitating group contemplative and dreamwork practices and offering spiritual companionship/direction supports my own individuation. I’m so grateful for all who join me in these group or one-to-one practices – the engaged participation is nourishing all around. All are welcome.
To register for our group practices or to schedule time for spiritual companionship/direction or individual dreamwork.